Listograpy: My Top 5 Films.

Okay, so this weeks Listography challenge is to list our top five favourite films, and I have to say that when I first saw this, I was going to give it a miss, as I knew I’d find it UNBELIEVABLY hard. But I gave it a go anyway. I’d just like to add one tiny disclaimer and say that, whilst these are my five favourites at the moment, the list is subject to change, and I would probably find it easier to do a top 100 films list.

True Romance

This is my favourite film, of all time, ever. This film has everything, the coolest leading man, a beautiful, but oh-so-sassy leading lady, one of the most amazing casts, an incredible score, a story line with drama, humour, violence, love, and just about every other twist and turn you could want. Also, I defy any woman to watch this film and not want to be Alabama Worley. If I could look that good in leopard print leggings and a bustier, I would be a seriously happy woman!

It’s All Gone Pete Tong

This film is ay-may-zing. Another one with an outstanding soundtrack, this is the story of Frankie Wilde, a DJ who begins to lose his hearing, and tracks his decent into his own personal hell, and then his rise from the ashes. Definitely an acquired taste, but if you’re into cocaine-induced hallucinations involving a murderous badger, amazing Balearic tunes and lines like “just thought you should know I shagged Twila, but its alright I just made love to her bum”, then you’ll love this one!

Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain

If you’ve never watched a film with subtitles, or have and didn’t enjoy it, I urge you to try again, starting with this film, or indeed any Jean-Pierre Jeunet film. The man turns cinema into something magical. Amelie is one of the quirkiest, sweetest, most immersive films that I have ever watched and is shot in the most striking way, with vivid colours accentuating the beauty of Paris. Watch this film. You will love it.


I never thought a disenfranchised Catholic with a penchant for poo-jokes would seriously challenge my perceptions of faith and religion, but Kevin Smith did, with ‘Dogma’. Another film with an incredible cast and an amazingly well written script, this film has renegade angels, a Golgothan (i.e. ‘shit monster’), Alanis Morissette as God and Alan Rickman in what was, in my opinion, one of his finest ever performances. This film will make you think, even if you don’t realise it!

It’s a Wonderful Life

I’d never seen this film until I met husband, but since he introduced me to it we’ve watched it every year, on Christmas Eve, and it’s become a firm favourite of mine. Jimmy Stewart is probably the best actor I’ve ever seen, and this film will have you laughing and crying, simultaneously, the whole way through. If ever you need a reminder of the goodness in people, watch this film. It will restore your faith in humanity and have you wishing you lived in Bedford Falls.


20 responses to “Listograpy: My Top 5 Films.”

  1. I completely agree with Dogma. Alan Rickman at his best. Whilst talking about this last night, that film definitely came up, but didn’t make my harsh cuts.

    I need to do another list. Or 100.

  2. Maybe we need to get Kate to amalgamate all of the lists and make a Mummy Bloggers top 500?! Excessive? I think not!

  3. Great choice of films I have seen all of them bar the Pete Tomg one. I may have to correct thatnnow given your synopis of it.
    Who does the listogrsphy then? I have not heard of this before, but looks like fun thanks x

    1. Oh, you should totally get involved with the Listography, it’s great fun. It’s hosted by Kate at

      Also, do watch Pete Tong, it’s such a good film, will make you forget about the grey skies outside!

    1. Totally, Kevin Smith’s best, in my humble opinion.

  4. Fabulous list. Love Amelie and It’s a Wonderful Life. And of course True Romance. Must get Pete Tong – hard not to after your review!

    1. I’d recommend it, it really leaves you feeling great afterwards.

  5. ha ha! love It’s a wonderful life. My face xmas film!

    1. I think it should be made law that the BBC broadcast it EVERY YEAR on Christmas Eve!

  6. Great List! Its always Fab to see what movies other people like.

    1. Agreed, it can sometimes be a great insight into a persons character!

  7. Oooh I love all of these. Fab! Especially Dogma 🙂

    1. I love Kevin Smith, I was going to put Mallrats in, but Dogma has the edge, I think!

  8. It is never Christmas for me without seeing Its A Wonderful Life. Fantastic film x

    1. It’s part of our Christmas tradition now, we have to watch it every year on Christmas Eve. To be honest, the only time i felt vaguely festive this year was whilst watching it.

  9. Is it strange that out of these I’ve only seen Dogma? I do love that movie, so perhaps I should check out your other favs! 🙂

    1. If you have the kind of sense of humour that can appreciate a Kevin Smith film, you’ll probably love It’s All Gone Pete Tong (and an appreciatin for dance music helps, but isn’t mandatory!)

      1. I’m definitely going to check it out! 🙂

  10. Aaah, Its a wonderful Life – an all time classic, and of course, It’s all gone Pete Tong! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you ;o)

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